1/18/25 The Divine Knowledge

2 wks ago the Divine trait was covered. Last wk the process of life revealed in the Divine order.

For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives

For what reason go bac to last wk. The church of Colossae shows love for all of God’s people, this is divine love. Godly love. What does this get them prayers from Paul & his team to Almighty God with the purpose that the church of Colossae will be aware of the knowledge of the will of God. Is this not one of our most consistent prayers? Lord, what do you want of me? To do? To go? To engage in, or to give up? The will of God is a teaching of its own. There is the perfect will of God and there is the permissive will of God. So which is this? GR word theléma. The Jewish understanding of God’s will was deeply rooted in the Torah, where obedience to God’s commandments was seen as aligning with His will. In the New Testament, the concept expands to include the revelation of God’s will through Jesus Christ and the guidance of the Holy Spirit – properly, a desire (wish), often referring to God’s preferred-will,” i.e. His “best-offer” to people which can be accepted or rejected.

This means that the prayers for the church of Colossae is that they would know the Divine will of God without the experience hence divine insight as given by God through Jesus Christ in the in dwelling of Holy Spirit. The question we can ask is why? What would the purpose of this be? If they wanted to know could they not ask God for this themselves? Let’s go to the next verse.

10 so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God,

Here is the purpose. Living a life worthy of the Lord. Is that even possible? Come to grips with how jaded, how much cultural bias, how much we have been damaged by the sin nature, and you resolve that is the absolute reason why we need a Messiah. Here is the outcome bearing fruit in every good work. This is the outcome. You have reproduced the seed of the gospel truth of the Hope of Jesus, PLUS you grow in the knowledge of God. This knowledge is the GR word epignósis. The term “epignósis” refers to a deep, thorough, and precise knowledge. It implies a full understanding or discernment that goes beyond mere factual awareness. In the New Testament, it often denotes a spiritual or moral insight that is granted by God, particularly in the context of knowing Christ and His will. But wait, there is more Paul is praying for-

11 being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience,

How would you like to have the strength to persevere be patient to wait during the Time portion of the seed-time-harvest divine order? It would not be in your strength it would be His bc it takes Divine strength to sometimes see that process through. You can have it, it is right here. Pray for it. He throws in endurance with this patience because the system is looking to take you down. The world belongs currently to the devil his world his system but he is on the clock for renting it. He and his system is going to come against you in anyway he can to sway you from staying the path and Paul addresses that in V12.

12 and giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light.

You need endurance to take the shots from the enemy but that in spite of that the divine strength is obvious and you give thanks in every trial. What are they giving thanks for, the trial? No that is James 1 not Colossians 1. They are giving thanks of despite all of this that they have a glorious inheritance in the family of God through the blood of His Son Jesus.

13 For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves,

Go back to what I sad about the enemy. His world his system his rules but it is on the clock. It is right here, a dominion of darkness. In darkness there is uncertainty there can be deception there can be doom. In darkness the truth is trampled by propaganda and lies. We have been rescued from all of that. Rescued from not having the epignosis of the will of God. Certainty lies from the divine and is extended to us! But not everyone has it. Sadly we have more people who believe in the propaganda that is aliens emerging than Yeshua being the Son of God, Savior of the world. Why is this so important? It is where we conclude.

14 in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.

We receive the Kingdom we receive redemptions bc of the forgiveness of sins. We cannot rescue ourselves only Christ has done this and it is a gift. Sadly some chose to deny the gift and live a godly life that Paul is praying for here.

Paul is praying they have a sound devoted life that produces a divine harvest with a greater understanding shown in moral wisdom & conduct and divine strength that shows itself in endurance and patience giving thanks bc we have been rescued as in already done from the effects of living in the enemy’s world. Are we praying for the divine knowledge that is available to us?