2/22/25 The Divine Energy

This week I want to take you to Col 1:25-29. Paul preceding has told us that he has become a servant due to the gospel. Last week we dug into the call to be a servant and the attitude of most who believe that it is beneath them to serve. A short time ago we dug into 2 Tim 3 and the change in attitudes that is upon us and was prophetically influenced to be lovers of self & lovers of $. Yet here is Paul in prison suffering because he is a servant. Let’s be honest most of us would say no to that program. But maybe there is a more. A side we do not understand because it goes against logic to take on suffering willingly. Yet some of us clock in to our jobs and take on responsibilities at the job that are killing us with stress & corporate expectations that truly make us suffer. Paul continues in V 25 I have become its servant by the commission God gave me to present to you the word of God in its fullness—

As we pray every day for purpose, direction, favor, blessings, & healings Paul is operating on a level most of us fail to identify with. PRAY

I would like you to think of responsibilities you have, Do they make you suffer? Some of us put ourselves through that because we want the payment on the other side and for some it is necessity for others it is blind devotion and for others it is the price is worth what you have been given responsibility to do. While some of us believe Paul is not in a situation we can relate to maybe we should reexamine that. Is your situation, you know dealing with responsibility that makes you suffer worth it? Let’s ask who made this decision for you to take this on? That is what sets Paul apart.

Commission apt term here. When we look at word in GR oikonomia is the term. Strong’s concordance: The term “oikonomia” refers to the management or administration of a household or estate. In a broader sense, it denotes the responsibility of managing or overseeing affairs, often with a focus on stewardship.

Now notice who gave him the responsibility. God himself gave Paul the job to present the word even if he has to suffer for it. He is truly unashamed of the gospel. In modern times he would be canceled, censored & maligned. Guess what he was then also, but notice he was motivated enough by who gave him the task to see it through in spite of suffering and not to hold back, because he was to give it in its fullness. See in the OT times there were somethings hidden.

26 the mystery that has been kept hidden for ages and generations but is now disclosed to the Lord’s people.

Mystery does God actually keep things from us? We typically do not like that. Maybe we are entitled maybe we do not understand but we want answers. But sometimes even with such knowledge we refuse to believe or we refuse to act. But the secret Paul was given is now given to the bride the Lord’s people. Look who it is revealed to. Here is why

27 To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.

Gentiles they will profit first by the knowledge of this. Gentiles will carry Holy Spirit1st Only those who are bought by the blood of Christ and set apart for His purpose have this. It is the receipt of your salvation. If you are not saved you do not have the Holy Spirit. This is Christ within us. It does not make us little gods it makes us marked for salvation as God’s people. This is the hope of glorification resulting from the Divine Call. This is the divine effect.

28 He is the one we proclaim, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone fully mature in Christ.

Remember Paul is suffering in service to God to reveal the mystery. The one he was given the responsibility for is worth the price paid because the end product benefits all. Everyone fully mature in Christ. This means that there is an understanding not pinned to immature assumptions built on mere emotion. Mature in Christ because 1. Knowledge is needed for maturity 2. Maturity is how the bride makes herself ready. Wisdom is the needed ingredient. Divine Knowledge on 1/18 details this.

29 To this end I strenuously contend with all the energy Christ so powerfully works in me.

I like toil in some translations more than strenuously contend. This Divine energy is what pushes him through. To take the abuse to pay the price and to serve the one who gave him the responsibility because God is the focal point of his life. Not his comfort not his ego not his reputation, it has nothing to do with the self. It is purely serving God because the price is worth it. Sometimes when you align yourself with the Lord the world is going to come against you sometimes the job will turn against you. The situation won’t seem ordained. Sometimes it won’t be friendly. The people you are serving will turn on you. Sometimes they will slander you. Sometimes they will harm you. But you can look to the one you are obeying and say it is worth it all! Give me the Divine energy and my days belong to you. My hope is in you. Because Jesus you are worth it.