2/8/25 The Divine Call
This week we pick up where we left off in V20 with the not oft enough message of the need for reconciliation between creation and Creator. Creation went astray, tempted by the adversary and began to take on a form which it was never intended. V20 told us that the purpose of Messiah was to bring reconciliation. This week we look further into the divide and the effects that Messiah came to not undo, but to solve the effects of. PRAY.
21 Once you were alienated from God and were enemies in your minds because of your evil behavior.
Before the cross there was divide. V20 tells us- through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross. All things is all of creation. Now do not be fooled to believe that it is limited by what we see hear taste feel and smell. There is a world that is beyond the physical beyond what we can sense called the spiritual. He worked in that sphere as well. We are spiritual creatures housed in physical matter. He had to bring peace between the Creator and all of the creation because of the hybrid creatures we are. To do this he had to take control. Evil had run afoul for several thousand years. The cup of iniquity was about to be full and the Father pulled the trigger on the one solution that the adversary never foresaw.
Mankind had gone astray. The first family Adam and Eve both buckled under the temptation to operate outside the structures that Elohim had imposed. They had maximum freedom with minimal rules and still fell because they wanted control. They wanted to be gods. Before the fall in the garden there was righteousness and harmony, there was peace, there was unity with nature. But then the fall came & murder came in the next generation, death preyed upon mankind. The earth became plagued with imbalance. Unity with nature was lost. Weeds emerged. Disease was spread. Sickness took hold and the minds of the free thinking human beings became enslaved to a decaying mindset moving them further away from what God intended. We were now enemies with God.
This is why it says Alienated. In GR-apallotrioó only used 3x here, & Eph 2:12, 4:18 also in English translations could read excluded. This is used in the New Testament to describe the state of being alienated or estranged, particularly in a spiritual or relational sense. It conveys the idea of being separated or cut off from a relationship or community, often due to sin or disobedience. In the Greco-Roman world, the concept of alienation was understood in both social and legal contexts. It could refer to the loss of citizenship or familial ties. In the biblical context, alienation often describes the spiritual separation between humanity and God due to sin.
The scripture says we are Enemies in your mind. Do you realize if you have a problem with this statement, thinking it does not apply to you that you have proven it true. You may boast to the Lord to those around you I did this, I gave that, I served this way. Do you not realize that we are all accursed all driven by the very things that are wrong for us. No one can approach the throne and brag about anything.
Do you realize our violations are predestined? A blood disease that Calvinist never want to seem to address that. We are destined for death hell & the grave. Evil behavior comes from evil minds. This has alienated us it costs us citizenship it costs us family the family of God because he is not the head of your body! The earth operates in imbalance and has become destructive to herself and nature is far from balanced.
But God sent his Son to answer the divine call to reconcile all things to himself.