Dec 28th Tis the Season

The season is filled with joy right & the devil takes this time off to give peace to earth & spread good will toward your fellow human being. Right? The world is corrupt. Filled with evil at a level most do not even want o face bc of how ugly it is. Can we agree we truly need a Savior. Jesus has stated that this would be the cry for humanity. The world so brutal to deal with that we need someone to save us someone to help us to save us even from ourselves.

Matthew 24:23-24 At that time if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Messiah!’ or, ‘There he is!’ do not believe it. 24 For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. 25 See, I have told you ahead of time.

What do you pot your hope on.

If you saw Jesus would you recognize him if you saw him?

How do you know what he looks like?

IS it the paintings of him? Mullet? Beard? Blue eyes?

BTW most of the popular imagery of Jesus is derived from a pope centuries ago.

The figure is his son.

The imagery of Jesus is a graven image but here is where prophecy kicks in.

The current pope has laid the seed for what will harvest in the Tribulation.

At the Vatican the display of the Nativity of Bethlehem was created & implemented.

It was created by Nastas Mitwasi and Johny Andonia

The exhibit was organized by the Palestinian embassy to the Vatican and the Higher Presidential Committee for Church Affairs in Palestine, which is run by the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). These people are Arabs. During the ceremony, Pope Francis insisted that the display should stand as a reminder of the “suffering from the tragedy of war in the Holy Land,” adding, “Enough with wars, enough of violence!”

Pope Francis head of the largest denomination in the world that identifies as Christian allowed this to happen which is fine until you get to the details. Like olive wood carved statues of Mary and Joesph in a stable with the infant Jesus resting in a Palestinian keffiyeh-wrapped manger.[1]

WHAT A MINUTE Jesus did not wear this EVER.

This is a planned attack on Christianity by the Catholic church coordinated by the very organization who began the October 7 2023 war by massacring 1200 Jews. Jesus was not Palestinian reading the genealogy in Matthew 1 & Luke 3 prove this. He never lived in Palestine which that name is derived from a shot of naming it Palestine by the Romans tying it to the Philistines.

So let’s look at the source. The Pope.

The same pope who is very anti Jewish who apparently does not read the Bible.

His church has demonized Jewish people for the propaganda that the Catholic church replaced the Jews as Gods chosen people. They forget that it was God’s will, before the foundation of the earth, that Jesus would be executed. He arrived as the Jewish Messiah and the Savior of the entire world, laying down His life and taking it up again so that all people could be offered the forgiveness of sin

Yet this seed is the seed which will blossom into the controversy that sets the world into the Great Tribulation 1260 days in the man who was given the mantle of the world, its resources, its economy, the military will march into the freshly rebuilt temple which has gone through ceremonial purification starting with the red heifers bought from Texas (reported on PT 5x this year) he will march in and proclaim himself to be God. He will unite Islam with Catholic church and proclaim he is Christ. Then he the man who brought forth a 7 year peace treaty to Israel in order to build the temple a man with no scars will proclaim the he is the Christ. This man will be an Arab and this man will proclaim himself to be the Christ but will be anything but.

But let’s look deeper. For every spiritual action there is a physical reaction. What starts in the spiritual manifests in the physical.  The enemy of all mankind fallen choir by that he is knowns what is happening in one of his strongest areas of deception. Iran. It has been 42 years of Islamic rule there and the people have had enough. This area where Jesus is forbidden, His gospel has penetrated & is on fire for a new and living way. Islam, they have learned is not the solution it is the problem. Rights have been stolen. People cannot afford eggs or bread. Compliance is forced. All play out in Rev. 13 with the Anti Christ. In Iran the underground revolution of Christianity has brought persecution, murder and imprisonment.

The Iran people who are not Arabs, are looking for God to rescue them. The God who gave his Son who is a Jew is a God of love. He is a God of compassion, and he saves people with a Savior, his Son.[2] As a people we should all seek this.

Let’s look at the Savior. He rules with an iron fist. When he reigns the government is carried on his shoulders. Justice will return. The law will be known Worship to the Father will be demanded & obedience is shown as love to God for the Savior. He is faithful true pure & righteous. His only bias is the way of God not the way of man, He is the provider of our needs the numberer of our days the assigner of our steps the filler of our cup the lifter of our chin. He is the purpose for our lives the reason for our existence. He tells us the things of this world are not worth chasing but to chase wisdom it is worth more than gold. To operate in godly love because all the things of this world will pass away but his word will never pass away.

