3/1/25 The Divine Difference
We begin Ch. 2 Paul has just launched a brief dissertation as to who Jesus is (last wk we covered this). Paul also spoke a mystery being made known revealed to the church of Colossae This mystery is the source of dealing with the suffering Paul is undertaking while in jail and be able to write this letter. This mystery is the source of energy he has to endure and in spite of what he is facing show compassion. This mystery is the Holy Spirit.
2 I want you to know how hard I am contending for you and for those at Laodicea, and for all who have not met me personally.
This is Paul admitting that spiritual warfare is ongoing. He is contending for them. But they are not the only ones who are under assault. As is the church of Laodicea is also dealing with an attack from the enemy. An attack to convince them to get of the path of following Jesus. It is the temptation for all of us to do so. This other church is the result of obedience by Holy Spirit of a name we have spoken of twice since this series began. Epaphras plated that church, it is in Asia minor and is the same church that Jesus preaches to in the vision of John in Revelation 3. They too are under spiritual attack, and it has to do with the mystery of Holy Ghost within. But notice the problem has not been stated, but the aggravating circumstance has. They had not met Paul.
As an unknown trust, is needed to be gained. He cannot be an in-person teacher, but doing so through this correspondence. Kinda like what I do over this platform. You do not know me, and I have not stood before most of you to teach, for you to believe what I have to say, you need to trust me despite not knowing me. This is not hard, countless generations did it trusting the peddlers of deception known as the mainstream news. You do not know them but in the past that have been the trusted source of information. Look at your meteorologist, how often can they be wrong and keep their job? Paul is saying I am contending for you trust me. Then he goes on to V2
2 My goal is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, 3 in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.
Paul states the goal of being a servant enduring suffering to answer the call of giving the word. This is the secret to affect shepherding, preaching & evangelism. He wants for Laodicea the same thing that he stated he wants for Colossae, a complete understanding of the mystery of God that is Messiah. He further states that it is in Messiah wisdom and knowledge is hidden. To gain this you must have a relationship with Him. You do not understand him unless you seek him, listen to him and hang out with him. Why is this so important? V4 tells us why.
4 I tell you this so that no one may deceive you by fine-sounding arguments.
The war has shown itself because deception has penetrated the gates of the church. This is not just a here & now problem. This is a problem that goes back to the Gaden of Eden. Taking God’s word and making it say something it does not and arriving at conclusions that are not intended. When you look at this verse it is the sign of the enemy who penetrated the Garden and spoke fine sounding arguments. Listen to what is being offered to us today that has been proven false. This is not a new strategy, not at all, all with the purpose to get you off track, walk in your own strength and faith in yourself, your government r your fellow man and not the Savior of the world. Notice how Paul encourages them:
5 For though I am absent from you in body, I am present with you in spirit and delight to see how disciplined you are and how firm your faith in Christ is.
Paul is not there but he is there in spirit inspired because of the news of their commitment to discipline. Christianity has to have discipline. This is not live as you want God loves me anyway. God does love you, he does so much he sent His Son for you, but he does not like the way we act. Does not like the way we behave because without faith in His Son and whole heart acceptance of the teachings of His Son, as in who he is and what he did, we cannot please God. This is why discipline is so important. This is why it is fueled by your faith. This is why He that is in you is greater than the world the Spirit of Christ is in you, and it is Messiah who overcame the world. Do you want a divine difference in your life? Do you want to have the chains the hold you down to be broken, then let yourself be filled with fire! Fire of Holy Spirit in discipline Fire of the Holy Spirit in the Divine understanding! Some mountains are gonna move today because some of you get this and the Divine difference is going to lift you above the deception of the fine sounding arguments to sway you from the truth!