Oct 19th 6 Roads to the END Deception Matthew 24:4

Did you know effective meds like ephedra were taken off the market because people were overdosing bc it was so effective against weight loss yet inoculations that are tied to Autism Cancer HIV/AIDS, and Heart disease are still legal & pushed?[1]


Fluoride is in toothpastes, groundwater, & dental care products is linked to cancer. Impaired brain development, & dementia.[2]

Did you know? In 1970’s the # for hi cholesterol was 300 now it is 200. Ironically that number moved in 1988. Statin drugs were introduced in 1987 Did you know that a diet in animal fats, red meat & animal products is good for the heart?[3]

Did you know Carbon dating was created in 1949 Carbon 14 atoms in coal prove that it is not billions of years old. “No mater how useful it is the radiocarbon method is not capable of yielding accurate reliable results There are gross discrepancies the chronology is uneven & relative & the accepted dates are selected date. The entire process is nothing more than 13th Century alchemy -Robert E Lee Anthropological Journal of Canada vol 19 1981 [4]

Did you know that every inventor who has developed free energy sources has died a mysterious death?[5]

Stefan Marinov, leader of the European free energy movement, fell out of a window after a major breakthrough in 1997
Dr. John Mull, a nuclear physicist, died from arsenic poisoning before revealing a significant discovery; his girlfriend, the primary suspect, was also found dead
Dimitri Patronoff, inventor of a plasma battery, disappeared after going to buy bread
Zachary Warfield, who collaborated with Patronoff, died in a boating accident
Eugene Milove, a cold fusion expert, was beaten to death before going public with his prototype
Rory Johnson, inventor of a cold fusion motor, died mysteriously despite being healthy
Mark Tommyin, awarded a patent for a zero point energy system, was found dead with his research missing
Stan Thompson, developer of a water-powered car, died during lunch with investors, claiming he had been poisoned Including Nikola Tesla

Did you know? Electric generators are run by fossil fuels gasoline & Diesel. Did you know that lithium mines create more carbon than drilling oil?

“There is no evidence whatsoever that carbon dioxide is the control knob of the Earth’s climate. Carbon dioxide is lower now than it has been for almost the entire history of the Earth… It is colder now than it has been through almost the entire history of the Earth. All the CO2 we are emitting from burning fossil fuels came from the atmosphere and the oceans in the first place… Life used it and stored it as fossil fuels… and they’re full of carbon. That’s why CO2 is so low now compared to historical levels. It was 6000 [parts per million] … And it went to 180 [parts per million] during the most recent Glacial Maximum, only 30 parts per million above the death of plants. We are life’s salvation. We are replenishing the CO2 back into the atmosphere and the oceans, where it had been locked in rocks and fossil fuels for billions of years.” – Greenpeace co-founder, Dr. Patrick Moore.[6]

GenX while in school was made to do nuclear attack drills under desks which would vaporize in the event of a nuclear attack.

1964 President Johnson promised that America’s young men would not be sent to SE Asia. Obviously, that was fake news as over 58K died in Vietnam and we were not prepared strategically.[7]

Let’s start with the obvious No WMDs in Iraq. More than a thousand people died in a war based on a false premise. General Colin Powell in 2003 denounced this war.[8]

Did you know three years ago Jane Roe confessed on her deathbed she was paid & told what to say to the public & regrets signing the paperwork that has led to more than 60 million deaths? Shelly Thorton was baby Roe and is alive & well. Her mom was named Norma. “It was 1969, I was pregnant, and I was scared. These two attorneys were looking for a plaintiff to help overturn the Texas abortion laws,” she said, explaining how she became involved in what would eventually become Roe v. Wade. Ironically, she never had an abortion, and instead gave up her children for adoption. In my research the World Health Organization paid her was not stated. Still, those who did the interview were aware and chose not to say it was clear given the direction of her interview can be found on YT that these people had a bigger agenda, and this bigger agenda still has effects felt today.


Finally, as a Texan, I want to talk to you about bovine. The MSM has been perpetuating a narrative that Cow flatulence is destroying the world.[9] But the truth is cows do not give flatulence. They can blech but not flatulate. Repercussions have seen higher taxes Scrutiny on all things bovine & a movement to eliminate them from only America it seems.


You and I are stuck in an age of disinformation, lies, and corruption which was prophesized in the Holy Bible. As children of God, we are called to cling to the truth and not conform to the world’s image. For now, this world belongs to the devil, but we know that will change.


[1] Wang JH, Kim BS, Han K, Kim H. Ephedra-Treated Donor-Derived Gut Microbiota Transplantation Ameliorates High Fat Diet-Induced Obesity in Rats. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2017 May 23;14(6):555. doi: 10.3390/ijerph14060555. PMID: 28545248; PMCID: PMC5486241.

[2] Villanueva Belmonte, Cristina, and Patrick Levallois. Drinking Water Quality and Human Health. MDPI – Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2019.

[3] Reidlinger, Dianne P, Julia Darzi, Wendy L Hall, Paul T Seed, Philip J Chowienczyk, and Thomas AB Sanders. “How Effective Are Current Dietary Guidelines for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in Healthy Middle-Aged and Older Men and Women? A Randomized Controlled Trial.” The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 101, no. 5 (2015): 922–30. https://doi.org/10.3945/ajcn.114.097352.

[4] Robert E Lee Anthropological Journal of Canada vol 19 1981 9, 29

[5] Mulgrew, John. “Brexit Deal must Allow for the Free Movement of Energy: Power Firm.” Belfast Telegraph, Jun 28, 2017. 28,

[6] “Former Greenpeace Leader Dr. Patrick Moore to Chair CO2 Coalition.” PR Newswire, May 6, 2019. Gale In Context: Biography (accessed September 4, 2024).

[7] Momany, Alice. “DEMOCRATIC PARTY; Ohio Delegates Abuzz Ahead of Convention.” The Blade, Aug 19, 2024. , https://go.openathens.net/redirector/liberty.edu?url=https://www.proquest.com/newspapers/democratic-party-ohio-delegates-abuzz-ahead/docview/3098049354/se-2.

[8] “Iraq’s WMD Never found… but did they have them?: Letters [Scot Region].” Daily Express, Mar 22, 2023. 36, https://go.openathens.net/redirector/liberty.edu?url=https://www.proquest.com/newspapers/iraqs-wmd-never-found-did-they-have-them/docview/2789153234/se-2.

[9] Gibson, Eloise. “Fighting Climate Change, Burp by Burp.” Business Week., 2017.